We welcome multi-faith families as well as persons of all races, ethnicities, genders, and sexualities.

B’nai Torah MetroWest’s membership model, From the Heart, is an alternative model that does away with traditional fixed dues and replaces them with a Sustaining Annual Pledge. BTM has joined an ever-growing group of temples that have successfully introduced a Sustaining Annual Pledge model based on shared commitment and mutual trust.
Instead of sending you a dues statement, we ask each household to pledge an annual financial commitment. We recommend a sustaining amount, based on our financial needs and know many members will pledge more. Those who are not able to give at the sustaining level may pledge as they are able. This makes BTM an easy and welcoming choice—a community built on meaningful relationships and life-long engagement—without financial barriers.
From the Heart is built on the trust that members will give according to our hearts and means, ensuring our congregation thrives for future generations.
Adult children are included through age 25, and there are no additional costs associated with attending High Holy Days services.
We also have an Associate’s Membership option of $180 per year for those who live out of the area and are only able to join us virtually.
To learn more about membership, please contact g. We look forward to welcoming you to our community!