

BTM’s Sisterhood is open to all of those who identify as female. Being part of the Sisterhood is a wonderful way to connect with the BTM community and get to know other members. Along with social events, we also participate in many social action projects and temple activities. 

For those who are not BTM members, but wish to participate in Sisterhood programs and activities, they may choose to become Friends of the Sisterhood for an annual fee of $180. 

Members of our Sisterhood enjoy playing Mah Jongg and Canasta together at the temple weekly, and we also play Mah Jongg online.

BTM hosts an annual Women’s Seder each year. In past years, we worked with the Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable to support women and families in need by asking for donations and gift cards for the Roundtable’s clients. Just as the Jews left Egypt to escape persecution and death, survivors of domestic violence also face their own journeys to freedom. Together we explored the relationship between the two journeys to freedom.

The fee to join the BTM Sisterhood is $54 per year for members and $180 per year for non-members.

For more information about the Sisterhood, contact Terri Smith at .