Our Caring Community aims to make all temple members and families feel connected to BTM—and cared for by:
• Acknowledging and celebrating joyous occasions, such as births;
• Delivering support services during times of illness;
• Offering comfort and assistance during the loss of a loved one.
We are here when you need rides to appointments, meal preparation, home visits, referrals for further assistance, and more!
Specific Support Services:
• Ongoing communication with members and families during times of need;
• Rides for sick individuals or family members to and from medical appointments, temple services, and school activities, or for other important tasks;
• Meals for congregants who are ill or in mourning and their families;
• Friendly visits for homebound congregants;
• TLC (“Temple Loving Care”) bags filled with comforting items, such as books, copies of prayers, CDs, coffee mugs, and food;
• Hand-knitted healing shawls and baby blankets made by fellow temple members;
• Referrals to programs and services offered by the larger Jewish community.
References for Families
JCC Welcome Baby & Early Parenting – New Families Support
PJ Library – PJ Library sends free Jewish children’s books to families across the world every month.
For more information on the Caring Committee, or for assistance, contact: