Events & News

Selichot Evening

September 28, 2024 7:00 pm

Havdalah, Desserts & Social Action!
At B’nai Torah MetroWest, at 97 Concord Road, Wayland

Please join us for a meaningful Selichot Evening. We will begin our spiritual preparation for the High Holy Days with Havdalah and desserts, together with a special Social Action project. We will write postcards to voters in Pennsylvania who may face obstacles to voting, as part of the Religious Action Center’s Every Voice, Every Vote campaign. Just as Selichot invites us to reflect on our actions and their impact, this nonpartisan effort reminds us of the importance of strengthening our democracy by encouraging voter participation in the coming election.

We will provide the postcards, pens, stamps, and script for filling out the postcards encouraging voters to participate in this year’s election—all you have to do is join us for the evening!

Please RSVP to if you can attend. (RSVP is Not required, but helpful for planning!)