Events & News

Surprising Story of Esther: What Can We Learn from Comedy in Serious Times?

March 17, 2024 3:00 pm

Adult Learning Program
On Zoom Only (Contact for the Zoom link.)

Educators find that stories are one of the most effective ways of getting students to comprehend material. It is no accident that our holidays all have wonderful stories attached to them. The Purim story, Megillat Esther, is a comedy, with wild exaggeration, gender stereotyping, and buffoonish characters. Many scholars believe it was written as fiction and may not have originated as a Jewish tale. Even traditionalists note the curious absence of God as a character. Yet, it has important messages embedded in it if we read carefully.

Join Cantor Kate on Zoom to explore the surprises—comic and serious—that await us in the Book of Esther.

Bring a glass of wine and a nosh if you wish.

Please CLICK HERE to read the story ahead of time if you can. (It’s short and entertaining!)