Events & News

Shabbat Shirah & Tu BiShvat “Seder” Oneg

January 26, 2024 7:00 pm

Join Congregation B’nai Torah Metrowest, Cantor Kate Judd, and the BTM Choir with other musicians for a celebration of Shabbat Shirah, the Sabbath of Song, and Tu BiShvat, the New Year of the Trees. This is an especially joyful, musical service. Because the week’s Torah portion includes the “Song of the Sea,” the ancient poem that recounts the Israelites’ crossing, we will celebrate by singing some old favorites such as “Heal Us Now” and “Miriam’s Song,” as well as some new music. 

We’ll also be marking Tu BiShvat, sometimes also called “The Jewish Earth Day,” with some seasonal songs and a Davar Torah on the themes of the holiday. Then we’ll have a delicious oneg with foods for Tu BiShvat—special fruits and nuts, with mixed white and red grape juice to symbolize the seasons, and, in a tradition unique to northern New England, challah dipped in maple syrup. Cantor Kate will briefly explain the traditions and symbolism of the Tu BiShvat seder. We’ll taste the promise of spring, and think about what we can do to keep the Earth healthy and our lives sustainable.

Hope you can join us in this special celebration!